I love this label so much I had to draw it
Two Way Waves - new original drawing added to store
Sunflower commission
Small 10”x 12” watercolor and gouache sunflower commission for an Italian collector.
Three Chairs
36” x 36” pen & ink and watercolor/gouache on paper
Firecrackers (sketchbook, watercolor)
Donut Bonerbed Rooms
CURRENT MOOD: Mortimer Snerd (teeth fascination)
2 Shows, 1 Review
PLANT 486 has a water themed group show and I have a large drawing + 4 smaller ones included.
BravinLee Programs in Chelsea also has artist-book themed group show, and it was reviewed yesterday by Artnet.
Two Group Shows and a Puzzle
I’ll have work in two group shows, opening this week: one in Brooklyn (486 Plant Gallery) and one in Manhattan (BravinLee programs). Additionally, Artifact Puzzles just released one of my drawings as a wooden jigsaw puzzle and published an interview with me which you can read here.
Skecthbook Gang
Bugflower 2
7 Waterfalls
36” x 26” pen & ink and watercolor on paper